Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): What You Need to Know

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a mental health disorder that commences after a traumatic event. One can get their PTSD triggered by experiencing or even witnessing a terrifying event. Once known as Battle Fatigue or Shell Shock, this condition was common in soldiers and citizens after a war. PTSD is a lingering consequence of a scarring event that causes helplessness, extreme fear, or horror.

What is PTSD?

PTSD is a condition where a person’s mental health gets distorted after a disturbing accident. People suffering from PTSD have a heightened sense of danger. Their fight or flight response is easily triggered as they doubt every slight turbulence in their life.

This mental disorder happens as a counter-act to the chemical and neurological changes in your brain after an agonizing shock. Although it may make it difficult for you to go through your day, PTSD doesn’t make you weak or flawed in any sense.

With care and attention to your mental health, you can easily get your PTSD cured.

How to Diagnose PTSD?

PTSD symptoms begin to show up within a month of experiencing trauma. It can disrupt your normal functioning and make it difficult to think normally.

Here are some of the symptoms of PTSD:

  • Reliving the trauma: People with PTSD have the condition of reimagining the scenario that traumatized them. Flashbacks, ticks, hallucinations, and re-enactment are a few of the frequent habits of people with PTSD. They tend to develop a discomfort with the mentions of a certain name or place where the event has happened, or anything related to the incident.
  • Avoiding certain situations: People tend to avoid specific circumstances, names, conditions, or places that may trigger their bad memories. They find it difficult to settle in with situations that might have been the reason for their trauma.
  • Negative mood and thoughts: PTSD causes negative opinions that can ruin their entire day. This gloomy mood of a person can affect the people around them, affecting their social relationships. One may also possess a habit of guilt and self-blaming for the situations they weren’t responsible for.
  • Reactivity and Arousal: People going through this stress disorder are easily irritated. They react to any slightest inconvenience with extreme rage or utter distress. They have this strong feeling of constantly being on the edge of snapping. They have trouble concentrating and being consistent at anything they do. It leads them to be angry over the slightest of things.

These symptoms are easily recognizable, and with medical and therapeutic attention, PTSD can be cured easily.

What Causes PTSD?

Every individual has different reactions to fear and stress. Everyone has a different and unique pain toleration level. Some people may go through the worst of times without even flinching, while others may have a mental breakdown over the slightest of accidents. People manage fear in their way. Some people might act strong while the hindrance lasts and get severely destroyed by the aftermath; this is what PTSD is.

The causes of PTSD can range from something personal to even a worldwide crisis. Any physical, mental, or financial torture may generate your PTSD.

Here are some of the most likely causes of PTSD:

A Business Deal Crash

  • Relationship Issues
  • Bankruptcy
  • Sexual Assault
  • Death Of A Close Family Or Friend
  • Child Abuse
  • Bullying
  • Family Disputes
  • Drug Abuse
  • Past Experiences Of Distrust
  • Accidents

How Do We Treat PTSD?

PTSD treatment aims to heal your emotional and mental health. It is based on improving one’s daily functioning and diminishing their trauma. PTSD may include Psychotherapy, medical treatment, or both in some cases.

Early interventions with the people who show symptoms of trauma may prevent the ill effects of the condition. Support and patience from your loved ones is the healthiest way towards healing Post-traumatic stress disorder.

A Word from the Doctor:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a condition faced by almost every fourth person walking down the street. It is a terrible condition to suffer, and recovery is a time-taking process. Although with consistency and the right treatment, it can be cured in no time.

Always remember, if you are suffering from PTSD, you’re not alone. And there is help everywhere you see.

And if you want to learn more about improving your mental health, contact me as soon as possible.

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