Cardiac Health

5 Surprising Acts That Improve Cardiac Health

It’s in our nature to seek out small ways to improve our health. Think of it as the search for heart health and wellness’s Holy Grail. The most common strategies are – eating healthier and getting more exercise. However, there are also some surprising ways to improve your heart health.

Live in a Quiet Neighborhood

You can improve your sleep habits by going to bed in a quiet neighborhood, but did you know that doing so can also lower your risk of having a heart attack?

A German study concluded in 2016 that highway, airplane, and public transportation line noise can raise a person’s risk of heart disease. The study looked at heart attack deaths over 10 years and found that a disproportionately high number of people lived in a noisy neighborhoods. According to scientists, the sound of an engine revving and honking can activate stressors in the nervous system, which can have a negative impact on cardiovascular health.

Your risk of having a heart attack goes up by 12% for every 10 decibels of traffic noise on the road. To put that into perspective, the typical amount of ambient noise produced by driving in traffic is 85 decibels.

Get the right amount of sleep

Take off your sleeping mask and choose your alarms carefully; your heart health may be in jeopardy if you don’t. People who sleep less than six hours a night, according to a 2011 European Heart Journal study, are 48% more likely to develop or die from coronary heart disease.

However, do not anticipate sleeping for twelve hours each night. According to the same study, people who overslept and stayed in bed for at least nine hours were 38% more likely to develop the same heart conditions.

Love and Laughter

After a restful night’s sleep, cuddle up to extend your time in bed. Oxytocin is released during this slumbering activity, which can lower blood pressure. Laughing can also play a role, as a good chuckle can widen blood vessels by as much as 22 percent, assisting with overall blood circulation.

Lastly, falling in love and getting married in a good way can help your heart health. True love for ten years has been shown to lower a woman’s risk of cardiovascular disease, in addition to lowering stress levels. Although it is not the most romantic anniversary present, it is useful nonetheless.

Eat Round Fruits

This is a less-common eating suggestion, but it is one nonetheless. There are a variety of nutrients in fruits like blueberries, tomatoes, apples, and tomatoes that can help your heart. Lycopene, a pigment found in a lot of red and pink fruits, can reduce your risk of heart disease by 25% when consumed regularly.

Anthocyanin, a pigment with a blue or purple hue that helps lower blood pressure signs, is abundant in blueberries. Apples and cranberries can also raise good cholesterol levels while decreasing bad cholesterol.

Drink Coffee

Caffeine has always been associated with heart health positively and negatively. Coffee is receiving more praise these days. A 2015 Harvard University study found that drinking three to five cups of coffee every day can lower your risk of premature death from any cause, but this was especially true for heart disease and stroke.

Regular caffeine drinkers may also benefit from lower inflammation levels, which can be a sign of a variety of health conditions.

A word from the doctor —

Now that you know about these less common ways to improve your heart health, it’s time to incorporate them into your healthy diet and fitness routine so you can live a long and productive life.

And if you still seek any help regarding your health, then contact me right away!

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